Home - Products & Service - Laptop Battery - Replacement laptop batteries for Asus > A32-N55 6-Cell Battery for ASUS N75, N55, and N45 Series Laptops

A32-N55 6-Cell Battery for ASUS N75, N55, and N45 Series Laptops

Our new A32-N55 6-cell battery is made with Samsung battery cells and rated at 4400mAh. The A32-N55 is fully compatible with the following Asus notebook models:


Asus N45 Series

N45VM, N45SV, N45SN, N45SL, N45SJ, N45SF, N45S, N45JC, N45J Mystic Edition, N45J, N45SF, N45F, N45E


Asus N55 Series

N55SL, N55S, N55SF, N55E


Asus N75 Series

N75SL, N75SF


and more models.


The battery is the best replacement for the following Asus OEM battery part number:
