Home - Products & Service - Laptop Battery - Replacement laptop batteries for Lenovo > 6-Cell 57Y4565 42T4812 Li-Ion Battery for Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 13, E30 & E31 Notebooks

6-Cell 57Y4565 42T4812 Li-Ion Battery for Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 13, E30 & E31 Notebooks

Best replacement for the following OEM battery part numbers: 42T4806, 42T4807, 42T4812, 42T4813, 42T4814, 42T4815, 57Y4564, 57Y4565.

Our new 6-cell 57Y4565 / 42T4812 laptop battery is built with Samsung lithium ion cells and rated at 4400mAh. It is designed to power up Lenovo notebooks and fully compatible with the following laptop models: 

Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 13
Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E30
Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E31